How To Get The Ultimate 8 & 6 Pack (Abs) Routine workout (exercise) Tips Naturally

Wednesday 22 March 2017


How To Get The Ultimate 8 & 6 Pack (Abs) Routine workout (exercise) Tips Naturally

All exercise maximum reps in 3 to 5 sets

1. Leg raises

Strength. Leg lifts build strong abs and hip flexors. Balance and Stability. Leg lifts add support to your upper body so whether you're on a balance ball or in high heels, you'll be less likely to stumble. Calories Burned. Flat-Bench Lying Leg-Lift

2. Bicycles in machines

Calorie Burn. A half hour on a stationary bicycle helps up your daily calorie burn. Joint Friendly. Many types of aerobic activity, such as jogging or team sports, can be hard on your joints because of the impact involved. Cardio Benefits. Riding a stationary bicycle counts as cardiovascular exercise. Strategy.

3. Planks

While getting into the proper form is straightforward, holding the position takes strength and endurance in your abs, back, and core. The plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning but it also works your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture, and improves balance

4. Dragon flags
Start by practicing the negative (lowering) phase of the dragon flag first. Kick up into the vertical position, and then try to lower your body down as slowly as possible. Once you get confident with negatives, try doing a static hold at the bottom with your body hovering an inch or two over the bench.

5. Windshield wipers

The windshield wiper—where you hang from a pull-up bar, raise your legs, and then rotate them from side to side—is the Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster of the gym.It's an exercise that many have claimed to see but few can show proof of, as it requires a tremendous amount of stability and core strength, as well as a solid

6. Side planks

Core Strength. This pose works your core to a huge extent. Strengthens Arms and Wrists. Side Plank requires you to balance on one arm, so this is a great pose for strengthening your shoulders, wrists, and arms. Strengthens Legs. Side Plank is really a full-body pose. Improves Balance. Improves Concentration.

7. Russian twists 

It is not just your abdomen that is worked here. Your lower back too is strengthened due to the position of your back during the exercise. The seated Russian twist strengthens the oblique muscles on the sides of the abdomen. A strengthened abdominal musclehelps to prevent slouching and get a good posture

8. Crunches 

Core Benefits. As a core-training exercisecrunches help improve your balance by strengthening your abdominal muscles. Strong core muscles improve your posture, whichhelps you function efficiently in everyday life and in sporting events. A healthy posture also helps prevent lower back pain and muscle injury.

9. Side Crunches 

Core Benefits. As a core-training exercise, crunches help improve your balance by strengthening your abdominal muscles. Strong core muscles improve your posture, which helps you function efficiently in everyday life and in sporting events. A healthy posture also helps prevent lower back pain and muscle injury.

10. Sit ups

Benefits of Sit UpsSit ups are like crunches, but the two actually have some differences. While bothexercises start out by lying flat on your back, a sit uprequires you to lift your entire torso up into a semi-seated position, whereas a crunch simply means lifting just your shoulders and upper back off the ground.

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